Putting My Experience
to Work

Aloha, my name is Jocelyn Cruz, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for Maui County Council for the Upcountry seat. As a devoted resident of our beautiful islands, I am passionate about our community's future and committed to preserving the unique qualities that make Maui County so special. I am running for County Council to promote local sustainable agriculture, protect our environment, provide affordable housing for our residents, and help our people achieve wellness in their lives. I also believe deeply in transparency and accountability from our officials. I will uphold the State and US constitution motto: government of the people by the people and for the people. We must always put the people first and ahead of luxury hotels, big corporations, and special interest groups.
I’m so grateful to call Maui County my home with its rich abundance for regenerative farming. Food security for our island is one of my main focuses. My experience includes working on a farm and leading the production team for the 2024 Sunflower Farm Music Festival which benefitted 3 non-profits: Common Ground Collective, Grow Some Good and Maui Food Hub. I am eager to keep partnering with organizations that are already doing so much for our communities to be food sovereign and self-sufficient. Taking care of people’s basic needs, like food and water, will provide a multitude of solutions. As someone that has worked with local farms and the governmental entities that serve them, I know how to bring farmers together with policy makers to provide common sense solutions. With a passion for wellness, I understand the end result for environmental activism and local food production is an overall healthier community. We MUST put the wellness of local people over profit!
What sets me apart from the other candidates: Following many of the guidelines that already exist in the Maui Island Plan (MIP) will also play a big role in my actions and efforts in the seat I’d like to fill. The biggest difference that distinguishes me from the current upcountry councilmember is that she is funded and in debt to big developers; so, instead of following the Maui Island Plan, she makes decisions based on what will increase luxury hotels’ profits. Our natural resources and income from the travel industry must be used for the benefit of locals, not mainland corporations.
I will prioritize the needs of local families over luxury hotel developers.
1. Housing is a human right and we must ensure that everyone has dignified and safe shelter.
2. Food Security can be accomplished with regenerative farming practices that provide healthy, local food through expanded food hubs.
3. Severely limiting water usage by hotels and luxury 2nd homes can finally provide water services to the people on the Upcountry Water Meter List.
4. Women's health and rights must be prioritized and protected including funding for pre-K for women that work outside the home.
5. We must unite to fight for lasting environmental protections that ensure the long term safety of our islands over more record profits for developers.